A. Open the Google Play Store app
B. search for “smartentrysystems” all in one word
D. Wait for the download to complete
A. Click Next on the Welcome screen
B. Allow SesEntry access to device location
C. Allow SesEntry to take pictures and record video
D. Allow SesEntry to record audio
A. Enter the registration code for the tablet found in the Entry Section of the Community Manager
A. Wait for the tablet to scan for nearby Bluetooth devices
B. Look for and tap on the Bluetooth device with name starting with ZL-
C. Press Open Door to test the Bluetooth relay
D. If the correct relay was triggered then press Register to continue, otherwise select another device and press Open door to test again.
E. Relay is successfully registered. Press Next to continue
B. Click Start to begin Test, a series of Open command will be sent to the relay and a response time will be recorded
C. If the results are satisfactory, press Stop to end the test.
A. Press Return to Main Menu to put the app into service
This step will be slightly different depending on the version of Android installed, please Google the procedures to
A. Disable automatic app updates
B. Uninstall any unnecessary apps
C. Block notifications from all other apps such as GMail